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A11 Olive Road

From Alberese to Collelungo beach on a comfortable asphalted road closed to traffic, ideal for cycling, which crosses the Uccellina and allows you to appreciate the gentle hand of man on Mediterranean nature.

The Strada degli Ulivi follows a very ancient route that connected the internal plain with the Collelungo Tower and the sea. The route starts from the intersection of the cycle path with the road of the olive trees. The route continues uphill in the locality of Vergheria, a name that recalls the large seasonal huts erected by transhumant shepherds who brought their flocks of sheep here between September and May.

The first part of the itinerary winds through large olive groves planted by the Lorenas in the 19th century and expanded in the 1930s, today in several places invaded by Mediterranean scrub, where sheep could graze, ensuring in exchange the weeding and fertilization of the land.

Since the Park was created, the sheep have no longer been there, and in their place roe deer, wild boars, porcupines and above all fallow deer graze, which if you approach in silence it is relatively easy to spot, especially in the early hours of the morning and towards sunset.

The central part of the itinerary crosses the dense holm oak scrub of the ancient hunting reserve, where the road begins to descend and leads to the splendid monumental olive grove of Collelungo, over 400 years old, one of the oldest olive groves in Tuscany. Today this too is a pasture for wild animals, but in certain periods also for Maremma cows, as we see from the foliage of the large olive trees perfectly trimmed precisely at the height of the bite of these animals.

In front of us we can see the Collelungo tower, while on the right a belvedere overlooks the magnificent Serrata dei Cavalleggeri, a large clearing where Maremma cattle and horses once gathered, and then onto the immense grand ducal pine forest.

From here a short descent leads to the large dune at the base of the Collelungo cliff. We cross the dune, and we are on one of the most beautiful beaches in Italy.

The route has some rather challenging climbs and daring descents to be tackled with the utmost caution, at a moderate speed.

A maximum of 150 entries per day are allowed.

Tecnical info

Elevation chart